List of dialling codes in Brazil

Country Code: +55
International Call Prefix: 00 then Carrier Code
Trunk Prefix: 0 then Carrier Code

This page contains a list of area codes in Brazil for telephone dialing. The base for this is the concept from brazilian Mesoregions.The phone numbers all have mandatory eight digits since 2005, and more than eight digits dialing the area or the country codes throughout Brazil.


1 State of São Paulo

2 States of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo

Rio de Janeiro (21, 22 and 24)

Espírito Santo (27 and 28)

3 State of Minas Gerais

4 States of Paraná and Santa Catarina

Paraná (41 to 46)

Santa Catarina (47 to 49)

5 State of Rio Grande do Sul

6 Central-West and states of Tocantins, Acre and Rondônia

Distrito Federal (61)

Goiás (62 and 64)

Tocantins (63)

Mato Grosso (65 and 66)

Mato Grosso do Sul (67)

Acre (68)

Rondônia (69)

7 States of Bahia and Sergipe

Bahia (71, 73-75, 77)


8 Northeast

Pernambuco (81 and 87)

Alagoas (82)

Paraíba (83)

Rio Grande do Norte (84)

Ceará (85 and 88)


9 North + Maranhão

Pará (91, 93 and 94)

Amazonas (92 and 97)

Roraima (95)

Amapá (96)

Maranhão (98 and 99)


See also

External links